Uniform and Expectations
Personal appearance is very important and a high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students at all times, both inside the School campus and outside in the local community when on school based trips. The students are our ambassadors when they are in and out of the school during school hours and what they do and say and how they look and conduct themselves is of great importance.
Dress Code
- Full and correct uniform must be worn in school and whilst travelling to and from the school. This also applies after school and travelling home after activities and on all school trips unless otherwise instructed by a member of staff. Also full uniform must be worn at all Parent Teacher consultations/Student Led Conferences and other formal School events.
- Lanyards with student ID must be worn at all times.
- Shirts/blouses should be of an appropriate size (not overlarge). All students’ shirts should be properly tucked in at the waist at all times.
- Ties are worn year round and should be tied and worn covering the fastened top button.
- Black leather shoes should be worn. Trainers are not permitted.
- When sweaters are not being worn they should not be tied around the waist.
- School uniform and personal items are the responsibility of the students and their family. Please ensure that all items of clothing and personal possessions are clearly labelled.
- Any lost items will be placed in the ‘Lost and Found’ baskets between FS and primary play area.
- Students may wear a watch. However, watches that can connect to the internet will not be permitted in formal examinations
- Girls may wear one small ear stud in each ear lobe and these should be removed for PE and swimming. No other piercings are permitted.
- Jewellery items of religious significance may only be worn with prior approval by the school, following a formal written parent request.
Henna Tatoos
- These are only acceptable for religious/cultural reasons
- Girls – Hair should be tied back fully off the face. The sensible use of hair accessories is acceptable to keep hair orderly and neat e.g. Alice band, hairband, clips, slides, elastic bands, scrunches etc. as long as they are plain white, dark blue or black. Make-up and all nail polish are not permitted at GFA.
- Boys - Hair must be well off the collar at the back and off the ears and face, no shorter than a number two barber cut. Shaved heads are not acceptable. We request no coloured gel, wax or mousse etc. be used when styling hair and no exaggerated styles.
- All Students – We request that hair must be of a natural colour. If the students’ hairstyle contravenes any of the above requirements the student will be requested to amend this with immediate effect and if this is not possible they will be required to remain at home until such time as their hair has returned to an acceptable condition.
PE Uniform
- Full PE kit is required for every PE lesson. This consists of the house t-shirt, house shorts or plain navy blue tracksuit pants, white socks, appropriate trainers and any specialist equipment required, for example shin pads for football.
- GFA caps may be worn in outside lessons in an unshaded area.
- Hair must be tied back for all lessons.
- A water bottle must be brought to PE to ensure students keep hydrated. Please ensure this is full before the lesson.
Jewellery in PE
It is whole school policy for only one pair of studded earrings to be worn. In PE lessons all studs and jewellery must be removed. This is a health and safety issue and must be adhered to at all times. Only if earrings are newly pierced (within 6 weeks) may the student cover them with medical/surgical tape for the interim period.
Students are encouraged to hand in all valuables to their PE teacher at the start of the lesson for safe keeping. The PE department take no responsibility for valuables not being handed in.
For further information, please visit the Threads website: www.threadsme.com
- Students are encouraged to keep valuables at home. However, in the instance that a mobile phone is needed for after school usage, students should keep them switched off and not visible during the school day and break times.
- Additionally, it is not a requirement for students to bring a device to school. If a device is required during a lesson, teachers will give students advanced warning for this. Where devices are used, students are reminded to use them appropriately and safely- in line with our school’s Digital Device and Social Media policy. Students must ensure that their ‘AirDrop’ setting is set to ‘off’ within school and should be reminded never to accept an unknown document.
Healthy Lifestyles
- In line with our culture of promoting healthy lifestyles and being a school that prioritises well-being, please be reminded that unhealthy items such as; fizzy drinks, lollipops and chewing gum are not allowed.
- Students have the option to bring in their own appropriate lunch, use the Slices canteen facilities and fill up their water bottles at any of the water dispensers during break times. In addition, the ordering of food deliveries is not permitted by students within the school.
- Students are reminded that the possession of e-cigarettes, vapes or tobacco are strictly prohibited.
Conduct Around School
- Students are expected to walk sensibly to lessons and keep to the right hand side of any corridor or stairwell. Students are expected to line up quietly and calmly outside their classrooms until their teacher greets them at the door and welcomes them into the lesson. Students should use the appropriate staircases in Phase 1 depending on the one way system.
- At break times, students have an allocated area for their Year Group and are expected to spend their break time here, unless visiting the canteen. Students are responsible for using the bins provided and tidying up the area that they use.
- When the weather is hot, students will revert to the ‘Hot Weather Policy’ and proceed to have break times inside their form classroom, with the tutor. During all periods of hot weather, students must wear a hat and sunscreen when outside and bring their water bottles.
- On Fridays, due to the shorter day, students are encouraged to bring their own snacks in for break time. On a Friday, the canteen will be operating on a ‘grab and go’ back to class basis.
- Bringing large amounts of money and valuable items to school is strongly discouraged.
- The selling of items is strictly prohibited.
- Bringing dangerous items and weapons are strictly prohibited.